
Cosmology Constraints from Type Ia Supernova Simulations of the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope Strategy Recommended by the High Latitude Time Domain Survey Definition Committee

Lead Authors: Richard Kessler, Rebekah Hounsell; Bhavin Joshi; Robert Knop; David Rubin

Within the next few years, the upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will be gathering data for the High Latitude Time Domain Survey (HLTDS) that will be used for the most precise Type Ia supernova measurement of the dark energy equation of state parameters w0 and wa. Here we generate a catalog-level simulation of the in-guide strategy recommended by the HLTDS definition committee, and determine dark energy parameter constraints using a detailed analysis that includes light curve fitting, photometric redshifts and classification, BEAMS formalism, systematic uncertainties, and cosmology fitting. After analysis and selection requirements, the sample includes nearly 11,000 roman SNe Ia that we combine with ∼4,500 events from LSST. The analysis demonstrates that current methods work well on Roman data, and the resulting dark energy figure of merit is well above the NASA mission requirement of 326, with the caveat that SN Ia model training systematics have not been included

This research is currently in internal review.

Fishing for the Optimal Roman High Latitude Time Domain Survey: Cosmological Evaluation of Thousands of Proposed Surveys

Lead Authors: David Rubin

The upcoming Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is set to conduct a generation-defining SN cosmology measurement with its High Latitude Time Domain Survey (HLTDS). However, between optical elements, exposure times, cadences, and survey areas, there are many survey parameters to consider. This work is part of a Roman Project Infrastructure Team effort to help the Core Community Survey (CCS) Committee finalize the HLTDS recommendation. We simulate 1,000 surveys, with and without a conservative version of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Deep Drilling Field SNe, and compute Fisher-matrix-analysis Figure of Merits (FoM) for each. We investigate which survey parameters correlate with FoM, the dependence of the FoM values on calibration uncertainties and the SN scatter model, and show simulated light curves for the CCS recommendation. We release distance-modulus covariance matrices for all surveys to the community.

This research is currently in internal review.

The Hourglass Simulation: A Catalog for the Roman High-Latitude Time-Domain Core Community Survey

Lead Authors: Ben Rose, M. Vincenzi; R. Hounsell; H. Qu; L. Aldoroty; D.Scolnic; R. Kessler; P. Macias; M. Acevedo; S. Gomez; E. Peterson; D. Rubin

We present a simulation of the time-domain catalog for the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope’s High-Latitude Time-Domain Core Community Survey. This simulation, called the Hourglass simulation, uses the most up-to-date spectral energy distribution models and rate measurements for ten extra-galactic time-domain sources. We simulate these models through the current baseline Roman survey: four filters per tier, a five day cadence, over two years, a wide tier of 19 deg2 and a deep tier of 4.2 deg2 , with ∼20% of those areas also covered with prism observations. We find that a general time-domain catalog, assuming a S/N at max of >5, would have approximately 25,000 Type Ia supernovae, 70,000 core-collapse supernovae, over 70 superluminous supernovae, ∼40 tidal disruption events, 5 kilonovae, and possibly the first confirmed detection of pair-instability supernovae. Hourglass is a useful data set to train machine learning classification algorithms. Additionally, we present the first realistic simulations of non-Type Ia supernovae spectral-time series data from Roman’s prism.

This research is currently in internal review.

OpenUniverse2024: A shared, simulated view of the sky for the next generation of cosmological surveys

OpenUniverse, The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration, The Roman HLIS Project Infrastructure Team, & The Roman RAPID Project Infrastructure Team

The OpenUniverse2024 simulation suite is a cross-collaboration effort to produce matched simulated imaging for multiple surveys as they would observe a common simulated sky. Both the simulated data and associated tools used to produce it are intended to uniquely enable a wide range of studies to maximize the science potential of the next generation of cosmological surveys. We have produced simulated imaging for approximately 70 deg2 of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Wide-Fast-Deep survey and the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope High-Latitude Wide-Area Survey, as well as overlapping versions of the ELAIS-S1 Deep-Drilling Field for LSST and the High-Latitude Time-Domain Survey for Roman. OpenUniverse2024 includes i) an early version of the updated extragalactic model called Diffsky, which substantially improves the realism of optical and infrared photometry of objects, compared to previous versions of these models; ii) updated transient models that extend through the wavelength range probed by Roman and Rubin; and iii) improved survey, telescope, and instrument realism based on up-to-date survey plans and known properties of the instruments. It is built on a new and updated suite of simulation tools that improves the ease of consistently simulating multiple observatories viewing the same sky. The approximately 400 TB of synthetic survey imaging and simulated universe catalogs are publicly available, and we preview some scientific uses of the simulations.

This research is currently under review for publication. arXiv:2501.05632